Your Body & Fasting
I have so much fun working with my clients and team in customizing their nutrition plans and fitness journeys to work for THEM! How nice would it be if we had a 'one size fits all' solution to wellness and weight loss? That's not reality and we all struggle with plateaus, shifts in hormones and metabolism, challenges as we age, and other challenges. Its never a straight road but we DO always find success! One of the best nutrition approaches (outside of 2B Mindset & Ultimate Portion Fix, of course) that helps the broadest reach of men and women is Intermittent Fasting!! Have you ever heard of it? We've been talking a LOT about it in our bootcamps lately and it works INSANELY well with Shakeology and our nutrition programs and meal plans!
“Intermittent fasting and loving your body with healthy nutrient rich foods, shifts your body into a state of working to heal from the inside out.”
Did you know, intermittent fasting is easy to follow and can provide real results with minimal effort? It's also been practiced for thousands of years across many cultures. Like with any practice there are variations due to evolution over time, and 16 hour intermittent fasting is one evolution.
If this is the first time you're hearing about intermittent fasting, you may be asking, " How does 16 hour intermittent fasting work, and why is it good for you? ". 16 hour intermittent fasting is straightforward, and involves eating only during an eight-hour window during the day. The remaining 16 hours are reserved for fasting. That's the "How does it work?" part. Here's the "Why it's amazingly good for you!" part...
Not only does prolonged cycles of intermittent fasting protect against immune system damage, it has been shown to induce immune system regeneration. There are also studies that have reported fasting shifts stem cells from a dormant state to a state of self-renewal. Fasting also has remarkable effects on the brain and could significantly lower the risk of developing both Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. These are some pretty major positives if you ask me!
In case you're not hooked yet, here are a few more benefits of intermittent fasting.
Stabilizes insulin levels
Gives you more energy
Promotes weight loss
Boosts growth hormone
Reduces free radical cell damage
Allows for healthier food choices
Intermittent fasting and loving your body with healthy nutrient rich foods, shifts your body into a state of working to heal from the inside out. Those are some pretty remarkable results for changing up your eating schedule a few times a week.
Hey there! I’m Jamie. Roots & Wings Wellness is the evolution of my OWN journey in health and healing the last decade. Roots to ground and guide and remind us of the strength, resilience and flexibility we hold within. Wings to FLY and soar to new heights. Dream and grow and explore. I believe that we need BOTH in life to truly reach that “place” …that confluence of health, success and purpose driven living.
Jamie Sheppard
Roots & Wings Wellness
Wellness Tips from Jamie
Making healthy food choices like dark leafy greens and protien while intermittent fasting increases body function.
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