Is Your "HEALTHY" Food Actually Nutrient Depleted?
Do you LOVE good food as much as I do? I love being able to share good food with the people I care about! Aka, you! Ya'll what makes a healthy lifestyle so incredible is knowing the foods going into our bodies are truly nourishing and sustaining our bodies. Knowing without a doubt our foods are toxin free, non-GMO, grown in nutrient dense soils, are ethically and sustainably sourced and are 100% pesticide and chemical free. Shouldn't we be able to trust that ALL our food fits is like that? Sadly, it doesn' isn't.
“If the things we eat have been processed—manipulated, broken apart, adulterated, with most of the fiber (and nutrients) thrown away—then we end up consuming something that’s food, technically speaking, but lacks many of the health benefits that eating is supposed to bring us. We get calories—which we need to survive, of course—but little else. None of the nutrition. We end up mechanically full but nutritionally starved. If we do that often enough, we will absolutely harm ourselves at the cellular level. Over time, that may bring about some chronic condition.”
Our planet's population is continually growing and so is the need for a greater crop yield. What does this mean for us? It means agriculture as we once knew it has changed. Our food is being genetically modified and grown to resist pests, adapt to climates it wouldn't normally thrive in, grow larger and at a faster pace. It's pretty scary as then we ingest these foods (foods that LOOK like the same apples, corn, carrots we've always eaten) that are toxic to our bodies and doing unimaginable harm to us at a cellular level.
This demand has caused soil to become unhealthy and lack vital minerals and nutrients. A study in 2004 showed protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin and ascorbic acid were nutrients being lost by growing crops in nutrient depleted soil. Our foods may be larger, and have the physical appearance of our favorite fruits and vegetables but, their nutrients are greatly reduced. An orange or pear today does not hold the same nutritional content that it did 5-10-20 years ago...even though it LOOKS the same.
Our bodies are not receiving the full benefits of these life giving foods. Our bodies are power houses, and they perform no-stop. Even when we sleep and rest, our bodies are still creating new cells, breathing, flowing blood to vital organs. It needs fuel to do this, and if the fuel isn't full of the vitamins and minerals it needs it becomes slow, sluggish, foggy, and health begins to decline. Just like the food source we consumed.
Personally I find this SO alarming and guaranteed you know people in your life (likely loved ones - or even yourself) battling chronic illness, diabetes, cancer, auto-immune disease, unexplained ailments, mental health issues and more...and THE RIGHT nutrition is the answer. With our eager cooperation, food manufacturers and restaurant chains and fast-food giants get rich by making us sick. Then the pharmaceutical giants and the insurance companies and hospitals and other health care providers get rich by making us better. Not healthy, mind you, but well enough to work and pay the bills we’ve just run up
Can you believe the phrase "You are What you Eat" dates back to 1826?
In this day and age, it means more now than ever before.
You Are What You Eat
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin - 1826
Farmers and health conscious companies continue to study and re-claim traditional organic farming practices while creating new sustainable methods to produce whole, healthy foods.
These foods and the land they are grown on are meticulously and mindfully cared for. Farmers grow foods that are free of toxic substances and chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, solvents and additives. In return, foods produced are high in Vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and phosphorus along with many other rich vital nutrients. One study showed, fruits and vegetables grown in nutrient rich soil produced 20 and 40 percent more antioxidants than conventional fruits and vegetables.
When it comes to eating healthy, it's more than making sure the foods and supplements you're buying have the right nutritional content on the label. It's being aware the companies you purchase from value the production and sourcing of whole foods.
Making sure our bodies are properly fed and healthy is just part of this fascinating wellness lifestyle. Educating ourselves about our food, where it comes from and how it's produced is the other part.
I am SO proud to partner with Team Beachbody to ensure I'm supplementing my diet with whole food NUTRIENT DENSE nutrition. Every single thing Beachbody produces is toxin free - from Shakeology to Daily Sunshine (our shake for kiddos) to Beachbars and our performance line (and everything in between) is nonGMO, organic and sustainably sourced and harvested. The quality control and nutrient potency standards are UNREAL. Shakeology alone helped me boost an immune system that was chronically suppressed for YEARS as I worked in public education as a school counselor (the doctors NEVER talked to me about my diet -- but always wanted to give me medicine to "help") and ended my 15 year long battle with anemia!
This is one of my favorite videos to learn more about where our ingredients come from -- how often do YOU get to know where each and every ingredient in your food comes from and how safe it is for you?
In this reality we have to be advocates for ourselves and our families. Sure clean and toxin free whole foods are more expensive...but compare that to the cost of medicine, chemotherapy living in pain or losing a loved one too soon. Its about investing in the future and quality of life you want for yourself and your family and you can feel PROUD to be partnered and nourished by our products!
Hey there! I’m Jamie. Roots & Wings Wellness is the evolution of my OWN journey in health and healing the last decade. Roots to ground and guide and remind us of the strength, resilience and flexibility we hold within. Wings to FLY and soar to new heights. Dream and grow and explore. I believe that we need BOTH in life to truly reach that “place” …that confluence of health, success and purpose driven living.
Jamie Sheppard
Roots & Wings Wellness
Wellness Tips from Jamie
Clean, raw, nutrient rich foods are an important part of keeping your body running at optimum performance. Try fruits with low glycemic index to ensure your body processes the nutrients over a long period of time. Eat dark leafy greens and vegetables for important minerals and vitamins.
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