Marketing Lies
I hate being lied to ... especially by marketing!! I love making sure the people I work with are getting optimal nutrition throughout the day. That includes snacks! It's important to make sure the snack you're grabbing is beneficial for your body. Sometimes, what we think is a healthy mid meal bite, can turn out to be a mid meal don't.
“If you really want to up your snack game
and give your body maximum nutrients,
eat fresh fruits .”
If this has happened to you, don't worry, it's happened to me too! It's the middle of the afternoon and you're craving something healthy and fruity. You reach for what seems to be the healthy "snack" choice, and three bites in you decided to read the nutrition label. Ingredients like corn syrup, sugar, artificial flavors, red 40 and blue 1 jump off the packaging at you. There went that healthy snack... right in the bin.
How can companies market their products as healthy when the ingredients on the back describe something completely different? It's simple, wording and how the ingredients are presented. For example, if a label says "natural flavoring", you may be eating beaver butt. I know right?! How? There are glands in the beavers behind that are used as "natural flavoring". Because the product is natural, it can be listed as you guessed it natural. Same with MSG, it is now hidden under the "Natural" description on ingredient labels.
So, what about corn syrup? Like with natural flavoring, corn syrup has been toted as the healthier version of "High-Fructose'' corn syrup. Truth is they're both made from, you guessed it, corn starch. Corn syrup is 100% glucose, while high-fructose corn syrup has had some of it's glucose converted to fructose enzymatically. See how that works? In reality, both are not a great options for the body as they can lead to insulin resistance, weight gain, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and high triglyceride levels.
Anytime a product has ingredients listed as artificial flavoring, or coloring combined with corn syrup, and additional sugar it's NOT a clean food, and shouldn't go in your body.
What are clean foods that are great for amid-morning or afternoon snack?
If you are looking for a quick and easy packaged product, try for the least amount of ingredients as possible. For example, Crunchies - Freeze Dried Mixed Fruit and bars contain strawberries , blueberries , apples and banana . Simple ingredients without other ingredients that can't even be pronounced. You'll be snacking on fruits providing antioxidants that fight against free radicals, and nourish your body with vitamins and minerals while giving it steady lasting energy.
Your body will thank you.
If you really want to up your snack game and give your body maximum nutrients, eat fresh fruits .
Packaged clean products are great in a pinch, but if you're able to grab a fresh fruit snack you're giving your body 100% fresh ingredients packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and all of the other goodies that these amazing natural foods provide. You'll notice the difference how your body feels after processing whole, nutrient rich foods vs. chemically modified foods marketed as a healthy choice.
Your body will REALLY thank you.
No marketing tricks or gimmicks here!
Next time you reach for a snack remember, if you can't pronounce what's in the ingredients, it's definitely NOT a " REAL " food snack. Cheers to being aware and making healthy choices!
Hey there! I’m Jamie. Roots & Wings Wellness is the evolution of my OWN journey in health and healing the last decade. Roots to ground and guide and remind us of the strength, resilience and flexibility we hold within. Wings to FLY and soar to new heights. Dream and grow and explore. I believe that we need BOTH in life to truly reach that “place” …that confluence of health, success and purpose driven living.
Jamie Sheppard
Roots & Wings Wellness
Wellness Tips from Jamie
Clean, raw, nutrient rich foods are an important part of keeping your body running at optimum performance. Try fruits with low glycemic index to ensure your body processes the nutrients over a long period of time. Eat dark leafy greens and vegetables for important minerals and vitamins.
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